In hardly any other field of law is the right litigation strategy as important as in competition law and intellectual property law. This begins with the selection of the ideal court if there are different locally competent panels. The decisive factor for the litigation tactics is then the balance between summary and main proceedings, taking into account the individual decision-making practice of the selected chamber and the requirements for the right to be heard, as well as the way in which the facts of the case and their legal assessment are presented. We have a clear idea of when counterclaims or accompanying nullity proceedings make sense in order to bring an IP right to an end.
Our know-how extends to the service of actions and preliminary injunctions at trade fairs or in other countries as well as enforcement measures in Germany and abroad. We know possible shortcuts. You benefit from this. Our experience includes litigation before the European Court in connection with EU trade marks and Community designs as well as fundamental legal questions before the European Court of Justice.