
Local Rail Passenger Transport (SPNV)

Local Rail Passenger Transport (SPNV) operates in a hotly competitive environment. Accordingly, competition law issues play a major role in our SPNV practice. We support transport companies from the beginning in competitive procurement procedures for servicing their own networks or new networks with suburban trains. We advise in the tender process and subsequently on all invitations to tender (procurement of trains, wagons and rails), and on direct procurement under Reg. (EC) No. 1370/2007. We also advise, however, outside competition, e.g. if the formation of a group of authorities providing integrated public passenger transport services with the participation of Länder and the conduct of a direct procurement procedure Art. 5 (2) Reg. (EC) Nr. 1370/2007 are required.

Equally, our leading anti-trust law practice has great experience in SPNV, including on the establishment of purchasing cooperations and in anti-trust compensation proceedings.
