13. August 2024

OPPENLÄNDER wins case for the Saarland state parliament

OPPENLÄNDER represented the state parliament in Saarland against the AfD parliamentary group there and won the case. The Constitutional Court in Saarbrücken ruled that the three-member AfD parliamentary group is not entitled to appoint a voting member to a committee of inquiry. The advisory participation made possible by the state parliament is sufficient.

Dr Christofer Lenz and Dr Henrike Schulte were active in this case.

Dr. Henrike Schulte und Prof. Dr. Christofer Lenz

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04. September 2024

OPPENLÄNDER strengthens IT and data protection law with new lawyer

Linda Fliegner has been supporting Dr Clemens Birkert's team in the area of IT and data protection law since the beginning of September.

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13. August 2024

OPPENLÄNDER was honored in environmental and construction planning law

OPPENLÄNDER has been named "TOP Law Firm 2024" for environmental and construction planning law by WirtschaftsWoche.

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11. July 2024

Sven Luckert is a new associated partner at OPPENLÄNDER

Sven Luckert was appointed associate partner of OPPENLÄNDER as of 01.07.2024. Sven Luckert has been working in employment law, corporate law and M&A at OPPENLÄNDER since the beginning of 2021.

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28. June 2024

OPPENLÄNDER strengthens the fields of corporate law and litigation

At the beginning of the month, we welcomed Jaika Hoch to OPPENLÄNDER. She will support the teams of Dr. Carl Höfer in corporate law and Dr. Matthias Lorenz in litigation.

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