Damages in elevator and escalator cartel for OPPENLÄNDER clients
For more than twelve years there have been disputes about damages in the elevator and escalator cartel – now our clients have been awarded substantial damages!
In our two oldest cartel damages proceedings, the verdicts of the Berlin Regional Court were issued last week. The origin of the proceedings lies in illegal price agreements between escalator and elevator manufacturers. The suits were brought by well-known construction service providers such as Hochtief and Bilfinger as well as transport companies such as Deutsche Bahn, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) and Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr AöR (VRR). They were represented by our partners Dr. Florian Schmidt-Volkmar and Prof. Dr. Albrecht Bach. In total, our clients were awarded damages of approximately €18.5 million.
Reporting of the JUVE publishing house