
Climate lawsuits and greenwashing

Due to increasing legal requirements, private companies must take account of environmental protection aspects and climate protection targets. The climate targets to be met by companies are increasingly occupying the state courts. We advise and represent you in court and out-of-court disputes on such ESG-specific issues, both before the civil courts and in the area of administrative and constitutional law. We can also help you in defending against so-called “climate lawsuits”, i.e. attempts to enforce compliance with the company’s climate targets or compensation for allegedly climate-damaging behavior in court. We will also work with you to develop strategies to counteract any potential loss of reputation.

Environmental and sustainability issues are increasingly important in corporate communications and advertising. However, the limits of what is possible and permissible under competition law are narrow here, especially in front of EU legislatoin. Courts often hear “greenwashing” claims, i.e. creating a (supposedly) false sustainable or green image without actually living up to it. We can advise you on compliance with the legal requirements and represent you in legal disputes relating to “green advertising”.