

Our clients benefit from our comprehensive advice in the field of biomethane trading. For years, biomethane trading companies have relied on our industry-specific know-how in purchasing and sales as well as in all matters relating to biomethane trading. Our particular expertise lies in the drafting of purchase and sales contracts, including the difficult implementation of price adjustment clauses. In addition, we are also very familiar with other issues arising in biomethane trading, such as the marketing of greenhouse gas reduction quotas (GHG quotas) or the funding opportunities under the frequently modified versions of the german Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). Such a 360-degree perspective is essential for players in the dynamic biomethane market, which is constantly confronted with regulatory changes.

Biomethane is also an important option for mineral oil companies to meet their obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We also offer comprehensive advice on contract design and regulatory issues in the area of GHG quota trading.


Weitere Schwerpunkte aus der Expertise "Energy"