16. February 2024

Girocard procedure: OPPENLÄNDER wins another victory for the DSGV

33 million euros in damages – this is what petrol station operator Jet is claiming from the German banking industry due to allegedly excessive merchant fees for Girocard payments (electronic cash). The Berlin Regional Court dismissed the claim because the merchant fees were not excessive, as Jet claimed. In addition, Jet demanded extensive access to files from discontinued administrative proceedings of the Federal Cartel Office in connection with the merchant fees, apparently hoping for chance discoveries. Jet relied on the Freedom of Information Act (IFG), i.e. the normal access to information for citizens. The Cologne Administrative Court wanted to grant access to the files. Following an appeal by the German Savings Banks and Giro Association (DSGV) and the Federal Cartel Office, the Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia has now ruled that access to files is not an option for cartel damages claimants under the IFG.

OPPENLÄNDER successfully represented the DSGV – Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband before the Regional Court of Berlin and the Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia under the leadership of antitrust law partners Dr Andreas Hahn and Dr Martin Fink and litigation partner Dr Matthias Lorenz.

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11. July 2024

Sven Luckert is a new associated partner at OPPENLÄNDER

Sven Luckert was appointed associate partner of OPPENLÄNDER as of 01.07.2024. Sven Luckert has been working in employment law, corporate law and M&A at OPPENLÄNDER since the beginning of 2021.

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28. June 2024

OPPENLÄNDER strengthens the fields of corporate law and litigation

At the beginning of the month, we welcomed Jaika Hoch to OPPENLÄNDER. She will support the teams of Dr. Carl Höfer in corporate law and Dr. Matthias Lorenz in litigation.

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14. June 2024

OPPENLÄNDER honoured by Best Lawyers

Handelsblatt has published the latest ranking of Best Lawyers and OPPENLÄNDER has been honoured several times.

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14. June 2024

OPPENLÄNDER successfully defends sausage manufacturer in fundamental dispute against the “Schutzverband Nürnberger Bratwürste”

The Schutzverband Nürnberger Bratwürste e.V. has taken legal action against the sausage manufacturer Franz Ostermeier GmbH before the Munich I Regional Court. In particular, it objected to the shape and size of the sausages produced in Lower Bavaria and the design of the packaging.

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