
Purchase & Sale of Companies

We structure the sale process in cooperation with our clients or M&A advisors, manage the data room and act as contact for the teams of interested purchasers.  The most important points in advising on sales are securing the payment of the purchase price and avoiding the risk of liability, for example from seller’s guarantees. We comprehensively advise our clients thereon and negotiate the contracts accordingly. Not least because of our litigation experience in post-M&A disputes, we are skilled at preventing liability risks by identifying them from the outset and drafting the contracts accordingly. As experienced negotiators of share purchase agreements, we have a large repertoire of possibilities to ensure that our clients receive and retain the entire purchase price. We are also aware of the special challenges for the seller often associated with post-contractual competition prohibitions often demanded by purchasers and we ensure, if necessary, that sellers represented by us are not excessively restricted in their future commercial activity by the purchase agreement.

We are often instructed by SMEs wanting to ensure a permanent future for their “life’s work“ – because we are aware of the specific needs and interests of family businesses and place them at the centre of our advice.


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